Safety Procedures

Thank you for your cooperation.

As we navigate through the current pandemic, our office continues to put the safety and well-being of our patients and staff first.

Office procedures:

*** Masks are encouraged but not required.

*** Covid-19 pre-screening questions are asked prior to each session.

*** Patients will be asked to please sanitize their hands at the front desk.

As always, cleaning/disinfecting of treatment rooms, equipment, and commonly used surfaces is done between each and every patient.

Every room is equipped with a HEPA filter/ UVC air purifier.

*** If you develop Covid-19 related symptoms, test positive for Covid-19, or have been in close contact with someone who has recently tested positive, we ask that you please reschedule your appointment by calling us at 281-460-5042 and we’ll be happy to assist you. ***

Once again, thank you for your cooperation. It is very much appreciated.